No, I do not illigally copy other artist’s work, or copy in any other way. The pirate theme is due to a minor accident in my garden the other day. I was trying to dig up a small tree, – really small treel, so small it should rather be called a bush, or three twigs with common root system – when the unbreakeable fork’s shaft suddently broke and slammed me right in the face and broke my tooth. It is a fork which constrution workers use. It is buildt for extreme conditions, built for the strain of strong men’s harsh and ruthless use of the tool. It is built to withstand any kind of challenge. But couldn’t stand then use of a female artist, less than 160 centimeters tall, around 50 kilograms, with no arm muslces (I cannot do one single push-up). Slam bang SMOCK it said and gone was my tooth. Broken in half. I now look like a real pirate.
A new picture is on the way. Theme: Dance, colours and distroted perspectives. It is a challenge for me, and therefor fun.
“The Inner Judge” and “Feet in Earth, Thought is Sky” are now finished. I am satified with the result and it has been a instructive process as regards to anatomy and light. Have a look: